The “San Benedetto del Tronto” Local Workshop dealt with the Sant’Antonio neighborhood in San Benedetto del Tronto, a city of 45,000 inhabitants on the Adriatic coast, in the Marche Region. 7000 inhabitants live this district characterized by a flat area facing the sea, with medium and high population density with mixed functions (office, residential, tourist, commercial). The neighborhood is also characterized by a low-density residential hilly area, to the west of the SS16 state road which runs along the entire Adriatic coast. It houses numerous facilities on an urban scale: the hospital, a private clinic, a nursing home (RSA); numerous Schools; the Town Hall and the Municipal Library. It is a lively district, with numerous commercial activities that have their privileged location in Viale De Gasperi and along some transversal axes. The traffic is chaotic, the district is in fact divided into sections by the urban and territorial crossing mobility (the railway, the seafront, Viale De Gasperi, the SS16); pedestrian and bicycle mobility is scarce, with the exception of the waterfront. Not all urban planning forecasts have been implemented over time: there are some empty areas of private property; there is an area near the railway that houses a power station serving the railway that will have to be decommissioned. There are some parks that are very popular with the local population. The local community is very active, there is a neighborhood committee that promotes opportunities to get together throughout the year. In summer, due to the important tourist flow (San Benedetto is one of the most popular seaside city of the Region for tourism), the lack of parking and traffic congestion become unsustainable. In the past, the district was affected by numerous flood damages, also due to the presence, on the northern edge, of the Torrente Albula. In recent years following some interventions on the sewage infrastructure, the problem has decreased, with the exception of the underpasses. The municipality has a climate mitigation plan and a joint SECAP plan is also in the process of being approved. Traffic congestion, lack of parking and poor care of public spaces (bumpy sidewalks, poor public lighting), poor connection between green areas and meeting spaces are among the main problems of the neighborhood.
The Workshop took place in the classroom and in the neighborhood. In the classroom the various activities envisaged by the CliCCHE Methodology took place, through: theoretical lessons, presentations of case studies, illustration of methods of involving stakeholders, exercises. The students also participated in the lectures shared with the partners on the 8th and 15th May. In the neighborhood: on the street, in the Town Hall, in the offices and homes of local stakeholders; for practical co-planning activities at the Oratory of the Church of Sant’Antonio.

1st Phase of the Workshop: Preliminary knowledge
Students: 78 students, of which 72 from the Urban Planning Laboratories of the bachelor’s degree in architecture (Scienze dell’Architettura) and 6 undergraduates of the Master’s Degree in Architecture (Laurea Magistrale in Architettura)
a) municipal administration: Mayor of S. Benedetto del Tronto Antonio Spazzafumo / Councilor for public works: Antonio Capriotti / Councilor for culture: Lina Lazzari
b) Public administration technicians: Massimo Forlini (Settore Urbanistica) / Annalisa Sinatra (Lavori Pubblici)
c) Local Stalkeholders: President of BIM (Bacino Imbrifero Tronto): Luigi Contisciani Parich Priest / Sant’Antonio Church: Padre Massimo Massimi / President of Confesercenti Marche: Sandro Assenti / Neighborhood Economic Operators: about 10 (retailers; restaurateurs; technicians) Citizens about 60 citizens interviewed (video and audio recordings)
e) Professors: Rosalba D’Onofrio / Chiara Camaioni / Roberta Cocci Grifoni
d) PhD students: Alessia Guaiani, Simone Profiri, Francesco Conti, Ludovica Simionato, Alessandro Damiani
2nd Phase of the Workshop: Working Tables
Students: 15 students (3 groups of students were selected on the basis of the work done in the first phase): Pierpaolo Cicconi, Sara Crocetti, Davide Falcioni, Martina Baffi, Ethel Urbani, Shelida Elisabetta Piccioni, Ilaria Pozzi, Martin Fasano, Jonatha Cecchi, Stefano Gullì, Alessandro Giantomasso, Stefano Pantaleone, Nicole Pastor, Alessia Pazzi, Alessia Lopez
Local stakeholders: 2 Municipal technicians: Massimo Forlini (Urbanistica); Alfredo Di Concetto (Lavori Pubblici) / 3 representatives of associations: President of neighborhood committee S. Antonio Pietro Colucci; president of Antoniana Eventi Antonio Alfonsi; rappresentantive of Parco Wojtyla; Mattia Giunti economic operator / 4 local professionals: Massimo Maravalle (engineer); Matteo Silvestri (architect); Tassi Roberto (Architect); Simone Malavolta (architect) / 6 Citizens: Renato Ceccarelli, Alessia Melonari, Gianluca Traini, Maurizio Barelli, Tarcisio Bastianelli, Maria Franca Roselli
Professors: Rosalba D’Onofrio, Chiara Camaioni
PhD Students: Alessia Guaiani, Simone Profiri, Francesco Conti, Ludovica Simionato
The following also participated in the work of the Tables: Professors: Prof. Sara Cipolletti (Landscape Architecture); Prof. Elio Trusiani (Urban planning); Prof. Maria Federica Ottone (Technology); Graziano Marchesani (Technical Physics); Timothy Brownlee (Teccnology) / Administrators: Councilor for urban planning Bruno Gabrielli / Public Administration technicians: Giorgio Giantomassi (Urban Planning Sector Manager) / Professional Order Representatives: Vice-President of the Architects Association of the Province of Ascoli Piceno; President of the Marche Region Agronomists and Forestry Association. / Other citizens and stakeholders: about 10 citizens and stakeholders followed the workshop on a non-continuous basis.
The activities carried out during the workshop can be summarized in two work phases. The first Phase of Work involved almost 80 students of the School of Architecture and Design, within the two Urban Planning Laboratories A and B. The Clicche methodology was integrated into the ordinary activities of the educational offer of the School of Architecture and Design and precisely into the Urban Planning Laboratory of the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture Sciences.
Students through: theoretical lessons, seminar activities, guided tours of the district under study, discussion with the local population and with the stakeholders of the area, have:
- learned the various activities of the CliCCHE training methodology for urban regeneration using the material (Tools) made available by the project (Slides presenting the various activities, web tutorials, information sheets, lectures, etc.).
- experimented the knowledge acquired in the field through the construction of an urban regeneration project with the adaptation to climate change and the health of city dwellers at the center;
- compared their knowledge with those of local stakeholders, identified critical issues, risks, strengths of the neighborhood on which to base a proposal for urban regeneration.
The results achieved refer to the following activities, the students have used the tools made available by the project which can be traced in the outputs listed:
Activity 4.1: Lecture on climate adaptation issues; Creation of a Public Debate on climate adaptation issues.
Tools used: web tutorial Activity 4.1 Methodology; Tool: “Debate”.
Outputs: Report on the results of the Comparison.
Activity 4.2: Lecture on mapping activities; creation of Thematic Maps on the district concerning: the socio-demographic, environmental, settlement aspects, the forecasts of the urban plans, the requests and expectations of the local stakeholders;
Tools used: Web Tutorial Activity 4.2 Methodology; Tools: Walking as a research method; FieldNotes; INTERVIEWING; ’15 MINUTES PROXIMITY’; Data collection and best practices.
Outputs: Map “From Above”; Map “From Within”; Reports
Activity 4.3: Dissemination of the questionnaire “Risk pErcepTion and willingnEss to pay on Climate change (RETEACH) questionnaire to citizens” (via the Municipality website and during workshop activities with citizens); collection of information and creation of a Report with the first results. Application of Lady Bug to the neighborhood, creation of thematic maps and presentation slides; Lecture on the SECAP Plan of San Benedetto del Tronto, identification of the main climatic risks.
Tools used: Web tutorial Activity 4.3. methodology; RETEACH questionnaire; Ladybug Tool; Questionnaire.
Outputs: Report Questionnaire Reteach Results; Neighborhood Heat Islands Map; Report: main climatic risks of the District.
The second phase of Work, characterized by the activation of Working Tables with citizens, involved the following activities:
Activity 4.4: Launch of the fake “CliCCHE-Rebus” Tender for the Urban Regeneration of the Neighborhood; Evaluation of the quality of life of the neighborhood and the perception of climate risks by the working group using the “Place Standard with a climate lens” method.
Tools used: Web Tutorial Activity 4.4 Methodology; Urban Games “Rebus”; Place standard with a climate lens tool. Lecture
Outputs: Map Place Standard with a Climate lens; Report.
Activity 4.5: Climate risks for health and adaptation actions according to the Scenario Building model. Construction through co-design of a list of climate risks “Scenario BAU” and a list of adaptation actions to be used in the neighborhood “Scenario S&S” with the support of a repertoire of NBS.
Tools used: Scenario Building Part 1; Scenario Building Part 2
Outputs: Concept Plan; Report
Activity 4.6: Project Proposal. Evaluation checklist of the Concept Plan with the participants at the table and construction of the Masterplan proposal
Tools used: “HEALTHY BUILT ENVIRONMENT CHECKLIST” checklist; Best Practices examples.
Outputs: MasterPlan Project; Report
Activity 4.7: Communication and dissemination of the project in all its phases. Activity not completed. Carried out by students (posters) and PhD students (press relations; websites; publication of articles; participation in conferences, publication of articles.
Outputs: Posters; posters and flyers of the various events; Press releases; dissemination through the Sustainable Development Festival: streaming presentation of the presentation at the Project District on May 15, 2023;
150 invitations to local stakeholders for the May 15th event;
Participation in conferences; Published and planned papers:
- D’Onofrio R., Cocci Grifoni R., Trusiani E.,Brownlee T.D., Camaioni, C.(2022), Cli-CC.HE Project-Climate change, cities, communities and equity in health. 306 Special Issue XIII Giornata Internazionale di Studi INU. Pre Print.ISSN 03925005
- Participation by invitation to the International Conference INCLIMATE Integrating Climate Resilience in EU Higher Education 15 November 2022. INCLIMATE. Integrating Climate Resilience in EU Higher Education. Presentation: Climate change and health in urban areas. The CLICCHE project Rosalba D’Onofrio, CLICCHE Project Coordinator, University of Camerino (IT)
- Scheduled: Participation in the “Public Space Biennial 2023- 25-27 May 2023, Rome; Participation in the XXV SIU National Conference, Cagliari, 15-16 June 2023. Acceptance of an abstract entitled: Urban health and design, an integrated and participatory transdisciplinary approach. The CliCCHE experience in the Sant’Antonio neighborhood in San Benedetto del Tronto AP.