Local Workshops

Local workshops, will be realized through direct work with public administrations, professionals, students and citizens, by using, where available, some of the innovative participative tools (virtual and immersive reality, public art, game simulation) to foster shared and conscious choices.

Local Workshops

M2 Transnational Meeting: Methodology and toolkit

UNICAM organized the 2nd meeting in Ascoli Piceno during the 22nd and 23rd of November 2022. There were a few participants from each partner institution attending the meeting directly and online. The meeting has been focused on checking the preparation of the educational toolkit (R3), testing it in local workshops as well as the issues of partnership functioning, issues in project implementation, achievements of goals and planning for next goals and necessary improvements.

M2 Transnational Meeting: Methodology and toolkit

R1 Research on mitigation and adaptation strategies of climate change effects on human health in urban areas

Result Leading Organisation was The Cyprus Institute and it was developed through the period of 6 months (from February 2022 – July 2022). This result represents a catalogue of research and experiences that address the issue of health and climate change in urban areas. It includes both scientific research projects, and experiences carried on in cities at European and international level, by including those developed by project partners, that link the topic of health to climate change and involve communities in designing/creating environments favourable to health.

R1 Research on mitigation and adaptation strategies of climate change effects on human health in urban areas Read More...

add1 Participatory Urban Design Master Studio_school year 2021-2022

The mandatory courses “Participative Urban Design – Project” and “Participative Urban Design – Seminar” on Master level within University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture that were held during the spring semester 2021-2022 were dedicated to the city of Valjevo and project CliCCHE. Within the Seminar course representatives from all partner institutions within consortium held lectures concerning different aspects of CliCCHE project. It will be the same situation during the following spring semester 2022-2023.

add1 Participatory Urban Design Master Studio_school year 2021-2022

C1 Teachers Training Workshop

This activity was held from 16th to 18th of June 2022 at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture and coordinated by University of Belgrade. It consisted of a workshop in which few persons (teachers, researchers, trainers) from each partner organization and from different disciplines have been introduced to the project methodology, encouraged and supported to integrate it in their regular activities.

C1 Teachers Training Workshop

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