The University of Camerino (UNICAM), founded in 1336, includes five University Schools: Architecture and Design, Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, Law, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Products, Sciences and Technologies. The School of Architecture and Design, established in 1991, has its representative office in the historic former cloister of the Annunziata within the Parco della Rimembranza located in the highest part of the city of Ascoli Piceno. The School has the study and culture of design science as the central point of its activity and collects contributions from many disciplines. The educational activity is divided into two first-level study courses in Architectural Sciences (L17), Industrial and Environmental Design (L4), and two master’s degree courses in Architecture (LM4) and Computational Design (LM12).Professors, researchers, young PhD students, research fellows, students, and technical staff are constantly engaged in the development of scientific and cultural activities aimed at reading, critically interpreting, and transforming, directly or indirectly, the city, the built landscape, and the panorama of objects and information that belong to everyday life.
University of Camerino
Piazza Cavour 19/f 62032 Camerino
MC, Italy