Cli-CCHE at Elsevier conference: Urban Transitions 2024
CliCCHE UNICAM published a paper on CliCCHE (Session 16), entitled “Cli-CC.HE Project- Climate change, cities, communities, and equity in health” within pre-print of a publication of the 13th INU International Study Day, “Beyond the Future: Emergencies, Risks, Challenges, Transitions, and Opportunities”.
L’Italia che Verrà: Water for a Friend Multiplier Event
The Geography Museum of the University of Padua hosted the exhibition “L’Italia che verrà” (“Italy that will come”), created for the Multiplier Event “Water for a friend” by University of Camerino, School of Architecture and Design.
add4 Participatory Urban Design Master Studio_school year 2022-2023
This book is a presentation of the results of the work of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture during the 2022-2023 school year in the frame of the Erasmus+ European project Climate changes, Cities, Communities and equity to Health (CliCCHE), which aims to develop and test new experiences in teaching and studying at the…
E1 I never thought trees were so important to the city
The title of the multiplier event in Cyprus was “I never thought trees were so important to the city”, and a dedicated logo was designed to reflect this. The event’s objectives were to spread the knowledge acquired by students during the CliCCHE project regarding the role of the “green-based solutions” applied to the city, on…
Through the cooperation and with joined forces, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture, Municipality of Valjevo and Cultural center Valjevo organized the national multiplier event “SOS AIR” was held on 14th of November in the city of Valjevo as a one-day event. It started at 9:00am and ended at 3:30pm and it was divided into two…
M3 Final Transnational Project Meeting
On 30 November and 1 December 2023 in the city of Palermo, the final meeting of the transnational project and the multiplier events E5 – Final Conference of the Erasmus+ Cli-CCHE project (climate change, cities, community and equity in health) took place. On 30/11/2023, the final meeting of the project was held at the Institute…

This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.