About Multiplier event
On November 30 and December 1, 2023, in the setting of the city of Palermo, the Final Transnational Project Meeting and Multiplier events E5 – Final Conference Erasmus+ Cli-CCHE (Climate Change, Cities, Communities, and Equity in Health) was held. This two-day international conference in Palermo presented the project results, where it was evaluated and validated. Project sustainability strategies and possible follow-up activities were assessed. The project involved national and international experts, local authorities, representatives of Public Administration, Universities, Schools, Local Stakeholders and Citizens. On 11/30/2023, the Final Transnational Project Meeting was held at the National Research Council (CNR) Institute of Translational Pharmacology (IFT), The attendance was all project partners (UNICAM, CNR IFT, CYI, UB, ISCTE). The conference started at 09:00 am and ended at 5:00 pm. The meeting was divided into 4 sections, it was opened with a videoconference talk by the National Institute for Documentation Innovation Educational Research (INDIRE); then there was a general summary presentation of the CliCCHE project, with a result overview produced by all project partners, including student activities results, and results from questionnaires filled out by citizens. finally, there was a presentation of the event multiplier and communication plan. The meeting was enriched by an extensive and in-depth technical discussion with the Steering Committee and Technical Scientific Committee, which concluded with post-CliCCHE perspectives. The meeting was held in person, with a virtual streaming mode. The day ended with a social dinner, creating an opportunity to increase the interaction between all the Partners involved in order to strengthen the multidisciplinary cooperation between the European partners. The social dinner was carried out near the new structure of the Trapezoidal Pier in the Port of Palermo, which is considered one of the important places for the requalification of the waterfront of the city. On December 1 at the Sala Lanza of the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo from 08.30 to 13.00 the Multiplier event E5 – Final Conference took place. The event was attended by 83 people, and there was a variety of the community who participated on the second day from second-year students and their teachers of mathematics, sciences, and psychologists of the International Classical High School “Giovanni Meli”, moreover, professional figures such as doctors, architects, researchers of the National Research Council, professors of the University of Palermo, members of the VI district and the association Vivi Sano Onlus, and citizens of the city of Palermo. The event was divided into two sessions, the first opened with the greetings of the Scientific Manager of the IFT CNR IT Partner, Stefania La Grutta, MD, following the Project Coordinator Cli-CC-HE, Prof. Rosalba D’Onofrio (UNICAM, IT) who presented the project and the objective achieved, concluding with the welcome greeting of the President of the Order of Doctors of the Province of Palermo, which stated the importance of the project within the theme of the interactions between climate change, health, and the environment. In the first session, there were presentations by professors of the University of Palermo who discussed topics such as flora, vegetation, and climate change in Sicily (Prof. R. Schicci, Unipa, IT); sustainability and ecological transition (Prof. M. Cellura, UniPA, IT); climate justice (Prof. G. Torta, UniPA, IT).This was followed by the interventions of local stakeholders ( President of II Consiliar Commission VI Circoscrizione City of Palermo (R. Li Muli) and President of Vivisano (D. Giliberti)) who disseminated the actions for urban health carried out in the territory of the City of Palermo. The second session was articulated by two international university professors who shared the results of the health risk assessment (Prof. F. Forastiere UK) and an international perspective on urban health (Prof. M . Nieuwenhuijsen ES). During the conference, the interpreting service was present, allowing all participants to follow all the interventions in their mother tongue. The conference has been recorded and speakers can be found on the CLICCHE project website. Participants were offered coffee and sweets in the garden of the Botanical Garden, which fostered an opportunity to get to know the participants and the professional figures present. This conference helped to create networks of collaborations with multidisciplinary figures, promoted the involvement of citizens, and increased the awareness of climate change risks that cities face, by offering solutions based on international experiences. in the end, the project aims to disseminate a better awareness of the relationship between climate change and health, an essential tool to build actions aimed at protecting the environment in which we live and our health.
On 30 November and 1 December 2023 in the city of Palermo, the final meeting of the transnational project and the multiplier events E5 – Final Conference of the Erasmus+ Cli-CCHE project (climate change, cities, community and equity in health) took place.
The following results were achieved during the event:
- Project results were evaluated and validated
- Project sustainability strategies and possible follow-up activities were evaluated
- Partnership presentations and stakeholder involvement were evaluated
- The final report was prepared
- Citizen involvement was promoted, increasing awareness of climate change risks facing cities and offering solutions based on international experience was promoted
Follow-up activities include:
- providing public administrations with a methodology and tools to incorporate these issues into urban regeneration projects and to help address urgent challenges and contribute to the development of societies;
- Promote international inter-university cooperation, share knowledge and develop collaborative work, and support activities on Health & Environmental Resilience and Livability in Cities;
- Multiplier events E5 – Final Conference is Pooling expertise and resources to address a need in the development context and in doing so create a network and apply for establishment of a cooperative program.
This conference helped to create networks of collaborations with multidisciplinary figures, promoted the involvement of citizens, and increased the awareness of climate change risks that cities face, by offering solutions based on international experiences. in the end, the project aims to disseminate a better awareness of the relationship between climate change and health, an essential tool to build actions aimed at protecting the environment in which we live and our health.
Dissemination of the event
- SHARPER stands for SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Enhanced Roadmaps and aims to involve all citizens in discovering the profession of researcher and the role that researchers play in building the future of society through investigation of the world based on facts, observations and the ability to adapt to and interpret increasingly complex and constantly evolving social and cultural contexts;
- Website of the Municipality of Palermo for Description of the event and dissemination registration for the event:
- https://comune.palermo.it/questionario-clicche.php;
- https://www.comune.palermo.it/accade-a-palermo-dettaglio.php?id=39121;
- Website CNR description of the event, press release;
- Website CNR press review;
- Interview Rai news Sicilia;
- Interview Sicilauno news.