Cli-CCHE Project at the 13th International INU Study Day

CliCCHE UNICAM published a paper on CliCCHE (Session 16), entitled “Cli-CC.HE Project- Climate change, cities, communities, and equity in health” within pre-print of a publication of the 13th INU International Study Day, “Beyond the Future: Emergencies, Risks, Challenges, Transitions, and Opportunities”.

Cli-CC.HE Project- Climate change, cities, communities, and equity in health

Rosalba D’Onofrio, Roberta Cocci Grifoni, Elio Trusiani, Timothy D. Brownlee, Chiara Camaioni


The concept of “urban health” and the role of urban design in the quality promotion of the cities’ living spaces are highly debated on a scientific level, but have not yet been effectively introduced into university education. A gap between education, scientific research and professional practice hinders the achievement of a seamless collaboration among the different stakeholders involved in the urban regeneration of our cities. CliCCHE, an Erasmus+ Project aims at developing and testing newer non-formal learning/teaching experiences to stimulate students’ motivation, enhance their engagement and amplify their contribution to generating a participative environment.  The CliCCHE educational methodology and tools will be developed seamlessly with the contribution and involvement of students, representative groups of citizens, professionals and public administrations.

The adoption of nonformal learning tools will help to identify and define climate change adaptation strategies at the urban scale. Since the educational methodology and tools will be finalized by a European consortium (University of Camerino; The Cyprus Institute; University Institute of Lisbon ISCTE; CNR IRIB and University of Belgrade) and integrated into the educational offer of each partner, it will be possible to transfer it in other EU countries.

Link to 13th Inu International Study Day, “Beyond the future: emergencies, risks, challenges, transitions, and opportunities”

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