R3 Educational toolkits for healthy urban planning and urban participation

The coordinator of this result was ISCTE and it was developed through the period of 11 months (from July 2022 – Jun 2023).

The Teaching Toolkit is a training instrument for transfer and apply the methodology elaborated within R1 and R2. The toolkit is conceived as teaching resources (OERs) to assist with lessons, discussions, case studies. It is structured on a collection of OERs, through which to support HEIs to form and involve colleagues and stakeholders in the methodology.

The toolkit is based on documents, presentations, maps, videos, and a web tutorial, and it includes indications on how to involve stakeholders, how to reach the target groups, and how to make students and stakeholders take part in the construction of shared design scenarios. The improved methodology used to build the R2 Guidelines was the base for defining the toolkit’s materials and future training activities in the partner’s HEIs and beyond.

The toolkit was designed to support students during the local workshops in the application of the R2 and to promote the creation of urban projects for healthier cities and neighborhoods.

A web tutorial is explaining the toolkit, with a step-by-step guide, suggesting tricks and solutions from R2, aiming at learning the operating methods for urban regeneration design centered on adaptation to climate change. The web tutorial is displayed in video and it inspired discussion within local workshops guiding them towards concrete results and allowed participants to compare the results of the laboratories of each university.

The tutorial is placed beside the following:

  • Health Profile Questionnaire: for the construction of the epidemiological framework, community life habits, identification of priorities, urgent strategic interventions.
  • District climatic analysis of the “Scenario 0 and of the Future Climatic Scenarios”. Layout for the construction of the analyses and of the preliminary assessments of the study area: Introduction; physical agents of the neighborhood, environmental factors, territorial system, mobility and services, hygrometric and precipitation (tables) , risks and potential in the current and future state.
  • Lecture notes: Instructions for the Planning Game: selection of actors; goals and conflicts; working method with participant observation; outcomes, impacts; examples.
  • Application form for the construction of the project scenarios. Layout divided into: (1) Concept plan modelling: health and climate district’s performance, semantic issues, decision-making political issues; alternative design visions; (2) Masterplan modelling: main attention addressed towards restoring the qualities of the urban regeneration project; regulatory tasks of the urban regeneration project; main techniques of representation of the urban project.

This Educational Toolkit was tested during the “Joint intensive course” (C2): professors, researchers and students have verified how the tools work and how to transfer them within the HEI curricula; the toolkit also stemmed from an experimentation in the local workshops with stakeholders. The quality and efficacy of the toolkit will also be evaluated by external experts, and the report will be presented in the final conference. This toolkit is available through the project website, Erasmus+ Platform and other channels, so it can be used by other universities and trainers. This result can: 

  • increase students’ ability to immerse in the urban environment that would be regenerated, interact with citizens and municipalities to identify problems and health-based and climate-proof solutions;
  • innovate the public administrations and the professional approach to build and share urban regeneration projects.

Educational toolkits for healthy urban planning and urban participation e-learning mode:

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